Closed Beta Waitlist

Hey there, Strategist!

So awesome to see you here. 😎

We will gradually invite vetted candidates to join our closed beta.

If we are the right fit, you will receive a secret invitation code to our community and, next, an invite to our platform in your inbox. 🥳

But first, please look over the information on this page, then fill out the form below. 

We are excited to see you at the closed beta launch. 🤘

Get Started
Get Started

Closed Beta Membership Benefits

All accepted candidates receive a free year of membership.

One year of free membership to our private Community, where you will engage with strategists of all kinds
One year of free membership to our Platform and access to our productivity tools

Insanely fun in-person quarterly Community Events +  Designer quality merch
Perks! Deep discounts on our partners' offerings (SaaS & Physical products, Books, Courses, Memberships, and Online events)
Exclusive members-only content: eBooks, Whitepapers, Articles, Strategy Tools
Opportunity to co-create Strategy Market’s features and processes
Opportunity to pitch and spearhead social impact initiatives to the management and the Community
Opportunity to co-create content and get featured on our public and members-only blog and newsletter

And there is much more that we will share with you once you get accepted to the closed beta. We will also cover subjects such as our workflow, policies, negotiations, and various programs on how we plan to support you in your career. 👊

Win Rewards and Skip the waitlist.

To win rewards & get bumped up the list invite your friends and colleagues to join the Strategy Market's Closed Beta.

  • If you are accepted to the closed beta, you receive one year of free membership 😎

  • When you signup for the waitlist, you will be able to send your unique referral link to friends and colleagues.

    If you and 6 of your referrals are accepted, you get bumped up the list and unlock two years of free membership. 🤩 🥳

Note: Suppose a founder that you have referred becomes a client of Strategy Market. In that case, you will receive one year of free membership + a strategy book in the mail. This offer only applies to accepted candidates.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Strategy Market?

Strategy Market is an exclusive community of best-in-class Strategists in the world.

In addition to a community, we are a two-sided curated platform that connects founders to best-in-class strategists on a project-to-project basis. Change-making founders team up with our strategists to become the leaders of their categories.

Our strategists range from independent freelancers to thought leaders, senior-level talent at leading brands, and in-house agencies of the fortune 100.

We also host a community for founders. Each community offers tailored perks, benefits, and packages. Founders who team up with our Strategists receive a free year of membership.

Want to dig deeper? Head to our Why page here to learn about our origin story.

I'm super busy with my current job. Can I still join?

Yes, of course. We are a community-driven platform. You can join the community to engage and grow with your peers. As a member, you can attend in-person and online events, tap into our members-only perks & resources, use our platform's productivity tools, stay in the know, and expand your inner circle. You can indicate your availability from your account whenever you are ready to take on projects.

Do I get accepted for making referrals?

No. But you will get bumped up the list for faster evaluation and, hopefully, early access and an extra year of membership. All applicants must pass the vetting process before getting accepted to our closed beta.

When do I receive my rewards?

Rewards are granted when all the required number of referrals (6) and the referer (you) have been accepted. The more referrals you make, the greater your chances of winning rewards and faster access. You will receive your rewards as soon as we launch our closed beta in Q1 2023.

How much does it cost?

Our service fee will range from 15% to 22%, (subject to change for public launch) depending on the project size. We charge this fee to pay our team an equitable salary, run our ecosystem as efficiently and smoothly as possible, and provide you and founders with a world-class experience.

How much will the membership cost?

Honestly, while we have some rough ideas, we don't know yet. Our goal is to co-create our community and platform with our beta members, receive your priceless feedback, and learn from our mistakes to maximize the value of our offering. Although one thing is sure, we aim to make this community inclusive, equitable, and fun. 💃 🕺

What are the Closed Beta terms?

1- Everything listed above 2- The chance to receive an extra year of membership based on the number of referrals you make 3- Favorable terms on the membership and platform fees for life. 🥳

My Strategy discipline is not listed here!

We know. And we are sorry about that. There are two reasons for this. 1- It is possible that we do not consider certain disciplines strategic in nature. 2- As mighty as our super lean team is, we can only work so many hours. But, soon, we will open the floodgates in our public launch so we can accept more rockstar strategists like you. 🤩 In the meantime, we encourage you to sign up and add your discipline to the form below.

Can I join as Strategist and a Founder?


What's with the Black and White look?

Here is some color to quench your thirst. 😉

Sign up for the Waitlist here 👇
We are excited to meet you!